Revitalize your surfaces with our professional power washing. From removing grime to restoring shine, our services breathe new life into your property.
At Dixie Paint Inc., we take care of pressure washing directly, without outsourcing or relying on specific staff for this task. This approach ensures that we maintain full control over the quality and effectiveness of the pressure washing process. Our experienced team is equipped to provide thorough and efficient pressure washing services that align with our commitment to excellence. Your property’s cleanliness and appearance matter to us, and our in-house pressure washing reinforces our dedication to delivering top-notch results.
Make your home, shed, or out building stand out with a fresh look with our Whole Home Pressure Washing services.
Keep your patio looking its best and ready for summer barbecues with our professional patio pressure washing service.
Make your home more welcoming with clean sidewalks and walkways, thanks to our expert pressure washing services.
Has your deck seen better days? Our deck washing service can remove built-up grime and mildew, leaving it clean and inviting.
Let’s turn your vision into reality. Get started on your painting and home improvement project by requesting a quote from our expert team. Your dream space is just a click away.
Our Promise to You: We’re committed to providing top-quality service and exceeding your expectations on every project. Your satisfaction is our guarantee!
We're proud to be a family-owned and operated business, serving Wake Forest homeowners for over 40 years. We treat our customers like family, offering personalized service and a friendly, approachable team. You can trust us to be there for you, just like we would for our own relatives.
With over four decades of experience in the painting and home improvement industry, we've seen it all! We have the knowledge and skills to handle any project with confidence, from a simple paint touch-up to a complete exterior renovation.
We're not just painters and home improvement specialists – we're also members of the Wake Forest community. We're committed to supporting local organizations and giving back to the community that has supported us for so many years.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. We'll work closely with you throughout the entire process, listening to your needs and ensuring that your vision is brought to life.
We believe in building trust with our customers through open and honest communication. We'll provide you with a clear and accurate estimate, and we'll keep you informed every step of the way.
We believe in doing things right the first time. We use only high-quality materials and proven techniques to ensure that your project is completed to the highest standards.
Pressure washing uses a powerful stream of water to blast away dirt, grime, mildew, and other buildup from various surfaces around your home. It’s a great way to give your property a fresh, clean look without harsh chemicals.
We can pressure wash a variety of surfaces, including:
While pressure washing is generally safe for most surfaces, it’s important to use the appropriate pressure and techniques. Our experienced technicians know how to adjust the pressure and nozzle settings to effectively clean different surfaces without causing damage.
We take precautions to protect your landscaping during the pressure washing process. We can cover delicate plants or use a lower pressure setting to avoid any harm.
Yes, pressure washing is very effective at removing mold and mildew from various surfaces. The high-pressure water stream can reach into crevices and remove these unsightly growths, leaving your surfaces clean and sanitized.
We recommend having your home pressure washed at least once a year to maintain its appearance and prevent buildup that can cause damage over time. However, the frequency may vary depending on factors like the climate, surrounding vegetation, and the amount of foot traffic in your area.
Yes, we do! We offer pressure washing services to customers who bundle our pressure washing service with a whole-house painting service. Be sure to ask about our current specials when you request a free estimate.
At Dixie Paint, Inc., we’re known for our top-notch painting services, but we’re also your go-to experts for pressure washing in Wake Forest! We understand that a clean home is a happy home, and sometimes a good old-fashioned scrub just won’t cut it. That’s where our professional pressure washing services come in. We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to safely and effectively remove dirt, grime, and other unsightly buildup from a variety of surfaces around your property, leaving your home looking its best.
What We Clean: A Wide Range of Surfaces
We offer pressure washing services for a variety of residential surfaces, including:
Home Siding: Give your home’s exterior a much-needed facelift with our pressure washing service. We can safely remove dirt, cobwebs, pollen, and other debris from your siding, restoring its original color and vibrancy. This can significantly improve your home’s curb appeal and make it look well-maintained.
Patios: Whether your patio is made of concrete, brick, pavers, or natural stone, we can restore its beauty and make it a welcoming space for relaxation and entertainment. Over time, patios can accumulate dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and even algae, making them look dull and dingy. Our pressure washing service can effectively remove these contaminants, revealing the original beauty of your patio surface.
Decks: Your deck is an extension of your living space, and it deserves to be clean and inviting. Pressure washing is an excellent way to remove built-up dirt, pollen, mold, and mildew from your deck’s surface. This not only improves its appearance but also helps to prolong its life by preventing rot and decay. We can also pressure wash your deck as a preparation step before staining or painting, ensuring a smooth and even finish.
Sidewalks and Driveways: Improve your home’s curb appeal and create a safer walking surface by having your sidewalks and driveway pressure washed. We can remove dirt, oil stains, tire marks, and other unsightly blemishes, leaving your surfaces looking clean and refreshed.
Fences: Wooden fences are particularly susceptible to dirt, mildew, and weathering. Our pressure washing service can gently but effectively remove these contaminants, restoring your fence’s natural beauty and preventing further deterioration.
Gutters: Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and other problems. Our pressure washing service can effectively clean out your gutters, ensuring proper drainage and preventing costly repairs.
Outdoor Furniture: Give your outdoor furniture a refresh with our pressure washing service. We can remove dirt, bird droppings, and other grime, making your furniture look clean and inviting for your next outdoor gathering.
Why Choose Dixie Paint, Inc. for Your Pressure Washing Needs?
Experience and Expertise: With over 40 years of experience in the home improvement industry, we have the knowledge and skills to handle all your pressure washing needs. We understand the appropriate pressure levels and techniques to use for different surfaces, ensuring effective cleaning without causing any damage.
Professional Equipment: We use state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment that delivers powerful cleaning results while being gentle on your property.
Environmentally Conscious: We are committed to using environmentally friendly cleaning solutions whenever possible. We can also adjust our techniques to minimize water usage, conserving this precious resource.
Attention to Detail: We take pride in our thorough approach to pressure washing. We pay attention to every nook and cranny, ensuring that all surfaces are cleaned to your satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We’ll work closely with you to understand your needs and ensure that you’re delighted with the results of our pressure washing service.
Revitalize Your Home with Professional Pressure Washing
Pressure washing is a cost-effective way to revitalize your home’s exterior and create a clean and welcoming environment for your family and guests. Whether you need to clean your patio, deck, siding, or other surfaces, Dixie Paint, Inc. is here to help. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us bring new life to your home with our professional pressure washing services!
Dixie’s philosophy is to provide prompt, professional service to all our customers regardless of how big or small their needs may be. Below you will find some of the wonderful comments and letters our clients have given us.
EXCELLENT Based on 66 reviews jim woodhouse2024-06-01Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Our house looks brand new. Great hardworking crew did an outstanding job. Sue Mitran2024-04-17Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. We are extremely pleased with the wonderful team that transformed our home into a beautiful, modern living space! The project to update our ceilings, walls, doors and window trims to a fresh, clean look is amazing. We hired them also to repair and hand paint the exterior. We definitely recommend their professional services! David Kurisko2024-03-17Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. We just completed our second large project with Dixie Paint and could be happier. This project involve moving some walls, removing brick on a fireplace as well as fixing drywall and painting four rooms. No one better than Dixie Paint. We will be using them for all our projects Angela Houston2024-01-13Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Dixie Paint just completed painting the exterior of my home, replacing rotten wood, fixing the back door to bring it up to code and completely replacing the railing on the front porch. My house looks better now than it did 30 years ago. Beth Fuller2023-12-22Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. We had a severe water damage to our bathroom, kitchen, a bedroom and the living room. Dixie Paint came out and fixed the drywall damage to the ceiling, replaced the baseboards and painted everything beautifully the day after the mitigation team left. They were able to get everything fixed in days. I would recommend them to anyone who asks. Thank you for everything!! Tolis Demertzis2023-09-07Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Great job! David Kurisko2023-08-11Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Dixie Paint did an awesome job painting our house. Can’t say enough about the quality of work and their attention to detail. They went above and beyond to make our house look great. We needed some repairs on some rotting siding, and deck stairs and it all came out amazing. You wouldn’t know it was repaired, all looked like new. Philip and the crew were prompt, professional and we couldn’t be happier. We will be contacting them for future projects. Sandra Iler2023-08-07Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. 2x customer now…Quality, quality, quality!!!! We will recommend Dixie to anyone who needs a painter until the end of time! Philip and his entire crew are so wonderful to work with. We have worked with Dixie now twice, after moving from a previous home into a different one. Both houses have turned out amazing. The entire crew are all thorough perfectionists. They are incredibly professional, very respectful of our property and just so nice. Both experiences could not have been better. They are SO easy to work with. They also do not get a drop of paint anywhere outside the house. They clearly take pride in their work and ensured we were thrilled with the end result, both times. If you want peace of mind to work with an honest, detail-oriented company that is dedicated to quality, this is it. You won’t be disappointed! People from our neighborhood have complimented both houses so many times. If we moved again, Dixie would be the first call! They refresh the exterior to make it look brand new. We haven’t used them for interior painting, but we can only imagine that if the exterior is that flawless, that they’d do an amazing job on the inside too and plan to use them again. We would recommend Philip and his crew to anyone in a heartbeat!!! Sheila in the office is also so wonderful to work with. She is responsive, kind and follows up quickly. The whole experience with this company is really just such a great one! Miranda Wester2023-08-05Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. We had a great experience with Dixie Painting. Very professional. Work was completed on time and excellent quality. Phillip and his crew were amazing. John McAuley2023-07-28Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Philip and his team have now painted my homes for over 20 years as we have moved around the area. I don’t have to worry about the job being done right. When they find something that could easily be covered up, they point it out and talk about options to repair it the right way. His team is courteous and hard working. I can’t imagine using anyone else for our painting needs.Showing only 5 star reviews
Let’s turn your vision into reality. Get started on your painting and home improvement project by requesting a quote from our expert team. Your dream space is just a click away.
Dixie Paint Inc is a professional painting company in operation for 40+ years serving the Triangle. We take great pride in our work always going "above and beyond" to make our clients happy. We have a "white glove" approach to your job and cleaning up so you can't even tell we were there. We use high quality paints, caulks and sealers to make your project last. We also provide rotted wood repair and power washing services! Give us a call!
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